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I See NABCOTECH Going International in 5 Years... - NDUBUIZU, Chinenye

I See NABCOTECH Going International in 5 Years... - NDUBUIZU, Chinenye

Chinenye Ndubuizu is a National Diploma Student in the Department of Hospitality Management and Tourism Studies. In her one semester’s sojourn at the College, she has been overwhelmed with the skills already acquired. In her chat with NABCOTECH Digest, she shares her experience so far. Excerpts:

Haven Spent a Semester in NABCOTECH, What Has Been Your Experience?

Life is indeed full of surprises. I had never for once, dreamt that I would become a student of NABCOTECH. Coming to NABCOTECH has really been a blessing in disguise, to me. I have experienced a whole lot. I had always wanted to know what being in a tertiary institution felt like, now I know. Most especially, living in the hostel has been wonderful, as we all live like one big happy family with no discriminations at all. Also, we have an outstanding and caring management. During the students’ week, I experienced a lot too, from the insightful seminars, to the social activities, which included the very interesting cultural day which was preceded by the Matriculation Ceremony. The environment is friendly with well-furnished, well ventilated and cozy classes. Our lecturers are awesome. Owing to the much I have learnt and acquired, I look forward to much greater experiences.

How Can You Describe Your Lecturers?

My lecturers are amazing, intelligent, productive, hardworking, creative and diligent. The Rector, Dr. C.E.O. Anuku is a very understanding and caring person. The regular convening and delivering of insightful lectures and seminar series, is a glimpse of his academic prowess. He showers us with excess fatherly love and always ready to listen to us whenever we call. The Registrar, Engr. (Mrs.) Stella Emecheta, is nothing lesser than a caring mother. She guides and guards all students, as though, we are her biological children. The Dean of Students’ Affairs, too, is a wonderful person. Our lecturers who often deploy many teaching techniques to make sure we understand what is being taught. In one word, I will simply say that my lecturers are magnificent. I pray that God will continue to meet them at every point of their needs.

Why Did You Choose the Hospitality Department?

I chose to be a student in the department of Hospitality Management and Tourism Studies because I want to be vast in different areas of life. Hospitality and Tourism exposes students to various works of life. The hospitality industry is fast growing and is open to so many opportunities. I can work as a consultant, a director, a flight attendant and so much more. I can also own a hotel, a restaurant, etc. in the future. These are what I have flare for.

How Can You Describe NABCOTECH?

NABCOTECH is goal-driven, a faith-based institution, a ground for the promotion of moral integrity, honesty as the best policy, intimacy with God as our number one priority, academic excellence regardless of our diversity, development of skills as part of the stages for maturity and so much more. NABCOTECH is totally productive, welcoming and education friendly. The management ensures a conducive learning environment, while the students continues to get better. I would simply say, NABCOTECH is the real deal.

Aside Your Academics, What Other Value Have You Learnt in NABCOTECH?

Asides my academics, I have learnt so many other values. I have learnt to put God first in everything I do, to respect my lecturers and fellow course mates regardless of their departments, to always show appreciation when the need calls, to always keep increasing in my faith no matter the situation, to be honest in all my dealings, to interact with the students and lecturers from diverse cultures/groups, critically analyze, synthesize and interpret meaningful information clearly in the best possible way, to be able to conduct meaningful research, the ability to understand and improve effective human relationships, academic integrity; which is vital to the school’s environment, as it involves the search for and acquisition of knowledge and understanding, to improve my skills and so on. I look forward to learning more values before the end of my program.

Where Do You See NABCOTECH in 5 Years?

I believe NABCOTECH is destined for greatness. Regardless of the fact that we are the first set of students, I see a greater future ahead. NABCOTECH is getting to the top and in 5 years’ time, I see NABCOTECH going international. So long as the management does not relent in following up with the latest trends both technologically, technically, socially and in the managerial aspect, NABCOTECH will keep on producing students worthy of emulation and having so much creativity within. Also, if they do not lose faith and trust in God, they will continue to push further, go farther, aim higher and get better till they become the bigger picture.

What Advice Do You Have for Fellow Students?

As we all know, every student is entitled to his or her own opinion and everyone is fearfully and wonderfully made by God. No one is a failure. I believe that if we look out for each other, reject lustful offers and look up to our maker, put aside all ego and listen to our lecturers, learn from our mistakes and keep on pushing higher till we become the best while getting better, we can overcome all obstacles and ride on to success. I also believe that we are anointed for success and candidates for greatness. Let us see every difficulty as an opportunity, we should not relent in our efforts, we should let go of the past, focus on the present and look ahead for a greater tomorrow. We should acknowledge the fact that experience is a hard teacher. This is because, according to Vernon Sanders Law, she says that “experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first and the lesson afterwards”. We should value courtesy and be cautious in whatever we do with whomever, whenever and wherever. We should have our set goals written down and make plans towards achieving them and so many others.

Finally, and most importantly, God should always be our number one priority, while our watchword should be focus and moral integrity. I will leave us with this quote by Winston S. Churchill, he says, “success is not final; failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts”.

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