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NABCOTECH Holds Workshop for Lecturers

NABCOTECH Holds Workshop for Lecturers

The Management of the NationBuilders College of Technology, Asaba, has held a one-day seminar/workshop for all teaching staff members of the College, in line with the professional ethics of teaching and laid down regulations of the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE).

The seminar which was themed "Train the Trainers 1" was held on Thursday, October 14, 2021, at the college auditorium. It featured lecture presentations, question and answer sessions, refreshments among others.

Giving his lectures, the Rector, Dr. CEO Anuku explained teaching as a process of imparting knowledge from a more experienced individual to less experienced individual, with the aim of attaining a level of increased productivity. He revealed that the aim of the seminar was to build a standard of delivery, customized to NABCOTECH as well as to ensure qualitative education.

Dr. Anuku, while explaining the ethics of teaching, advised that lecture presentations be methodical and meticulously planned to meet the behavioural objectives, stated in the curriculum.

His words: "the curriculum from the NBTE is a minimum standard which should be a benchmark... There should be room for more improvements and more innovations. Nothing lesser than the NBTE standard will be accepted."

The Rector laid emphasis on Total Quality Management, which encompasses, classroom management, time management, evaluation and personality components. He urged lecturers to build a great personality in their dealings with the students, which according to him will be manifested in their teaching methods, mastery of courses, dress codes, fairness and firmness.

In attendance were; members of the management, academic staff, some selected non-academic staff, etc.

The highpoint at the event was the refreshment session. Students of the department of Hospitality Management Studies, were made to play host to all attendees at the workshop.

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